Event Details
Victorian Xmas fair at Ashley Court.
A fantastic Xmas experience with many local makers and sellers of wonderful products. The house will be open from mid-day until 8pm. You can wander around the ground floor and some of the 1st floor of the house, exploring the Drawing room, Morning room, back hallway and old back kitchen, and the 2 large bedrooms at the top of the main stairway, where various stall holders will be displaying their wares - from antiques to hand made soft toys, to local cider and other wonderful items. The Ashley Court tea room will be open for tea and cakes and mulled wine and mince pies. Free entry.
Date: 14 December 2024
Start time: 12:00
End time: 20:00
Venue: Ashley Court, Tiverton, EX165PD
Directions: Ashley Court is about 1 mile south of Tiverton, off the A396. Turn off the main road into Ashley, then turn immediately left and our driveway entrance is ahead of you slightly to the left. The house is 200 metres up the driveway
Phone: 07725950683, 07768878015
Email: hello@ashleycourtdevon.co.uk